Fall Schedule Posted! (2019)
Youth2Seniors has posted our updated fall schedule. We have a great set of art classes at 3 different communities. Sign up for a class today by visiting our calendar page and registering.
Fall Family Fun Fest Announced (2018)
The Pavilion at Great Hills will host Youth2Seniors' 5th annual Fall Family Fun Fest (IG Day)! Mark October 28th on your calendar - you won't want to miss this!
Summer Classes Posted! (2017)
Youth2Seniors is proud to post our new 2017 summer schedule! All classes are free and open to everyone! See the sidebar to the right for more information
Amplify Austin Raised $3,000+! (2017)
Amplify Austin was another fundraising success! Youth2Seniors raised over $3,000 in 24 hours to continue providing free programs here in Austin! Thank you everyone for your help!
1,450 Bears Made and Donated in November of 2016! (2016)
1,450 BEARS MADE AND DELIVERED! Wow! Thanks to all ages 3-101 who helped us make these bears for the Austin Community! Where do they go? Green Santa received 630 for their program STARRY (foster care, adoption, counseling programs) received 200 bears and the Sheriff's Department Brown Santa Program received the remaining 620 bears!
Intergenerational Day Raised $8,500! (2016)
On October 29th we held our biggest and most attended IG Day yet. Each year this event gets bigger and 2016 was amazing. Hundreds of participants joined us to have fun, support the community with giving projects aimed at supporting our homeless, children in Austin and we also raised $8,500 to continue providing art programs for free!
Youth2Seniors is in the News (2016)
CLICK HERE to view the video that KEYE did on Youth2Seniors at our birthday party in March!
Celebration of Life - Lorene Crowell! (2016)
Lorene Crowell was an amazing woman how had and will continue to have a huge impact on Y2S! She was at our very first art class and rarely missed one! Listen for yourself in the video to the right!
Thank you! We raised $3,740 in 24 hours! (2016)
Thank you to everyone who supported us during Amplify Austin! Through the generous contributions of our supporters we raised $3,740! This will go a very long way toward continuing to provide free programs to the community!
We are turning 5! (2016)
Join us as we celebrate 5 years of providing free intergenerational programs to the community! Have fun, see what we have accomplished, make a placemat for Meals on Wheels and learn about a brand new Y2S Program! The party is at Brookdale Living Lakeway (Skilled Nursing) from 2-4pm on March 6h.
You give them away to children in need in the community! In 1 month, Y2S particiapants made 350 animals for the Green Santa project that benefits Lake Travis! We also hosted a bear building station at the STARRY foster care party so children could make an animal to take home! Thank you everyone for helping 450 kids have a new stuffed animal to cuddle up to!